🧑‍🍳 Examples

This page provides examples of how to use the Paymaster class and its associated functionality for interacting with Paymaster contracts on the ZKsync network.

The examples cover various scenarios and use cases, demonstrating the different methods and types available in the library.

The Paymaster class is a utility class that simplifies the process of sending transactions through Paymaster contracts, either ERC20Paymaster or SponsoredPaymaster. It abstracts away the complexities of constructing and formatting transactions, handling gas estimation, and interacting with the Paymaster contracts.

In addition to the core functionality of sending transactions, the Paymaster class also provides methods for managing restrictions, which are external smart contracts that can enforce specific conditions or rules for transactions to be eligible for payment by the Paymaster.

The examples in this document will cover the following aspects:

  • Initializing and setting up the Paymaster instance

  • Sending transactions through the Paymaster

  • Estimating gas requirements for transactions

  • Adding, retrieving, and removing restrictions

  • Checking transaction eligibility based on restrictions

  • Calculating the minimal allowance required for ERC20 Paymasters

Each example will be accompanied by a brief description, code snippets, and explanations of the relevant methods and parameters used. These examples can serve as a starting point for understanding and integrating the Paymaster library into your applications or projects.

Note that these examples assume familiarity with the ZKsync network, Ethereum development, and the overall context in which the Paymaster library operates.


Before you can start using the Paymaster class, you need to obtain a signer instance. In the context of a web application, you can use the BrowserProvider from the zksync-ethers library to get a signer from the user's Web3 provider (e.g., MetaMask). Also, please include imports for Paymaster abstractions, as shown in the following code.

import { getPaymaster, createRestriction, types, typechain } from "txsync-sdk";
import { BrowserProvider } from "zksync-ethers";

const signer = await new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum!).getSigner();

Obtaining the Paymaster Instance

To create a new instance of the Paymaster class, you can use the getPaymaster helper function provided by the package. This function takes the address of the Paymaster contract and the signer instance (obtained in the previous step) as input parameters.

const Paymaster = await getPaymaster(paymasterAddress, signer);

console.log(`PaymasterType: ${Paymaster.paymasterType === types.PaymasterType.ERC20 ? "ERC20" : "Sponsored"}`)
console.log(`Token Address: ${Paymaster.token}`);

As you can see, the getPaymaster method automatically infers the type of the Paymaster contract (ERC20Paymaster or SponsoredPaymaster) based on the provided Paymaster address. Additionally, if the Paymaster is an ERC20Paymaster, it also retrieves the address of the associated ERC20 token.

Sending a Transaction through the Paymaster

To send a transaction through the Paymaster, you can use the sendPaymasterTransaction method provided by the Paymaster class. This method takes the contract address, the function to call the interface (check docs), an optional array of arguments as input parameters, and optional overrides for the transaction.

const greeterAddress = "0x..."; // Replace with the actual contract address
const functionToCallSignature = "function setGreeting(string memory _greeting)";
const args = ["Hello from paymaster"];

const txResponse = await Paymaster.sendPaymasterTransaction(greeterAddress, functionToCallSignature, args);

To simplify the process of passing arguments to the sendPaymasterTransaction method, the package provides a type called PaymasterParams. This type is a tuple that defines the order and types of the parameters, making it easier to pass the arguments. Here's an example of using PaymasterParams:

const PaymasterParams: types.PaymasterParams = [
  "0x...", // Replace with the actual contract address
  "function setGreeting(string memory _greeting)",
  ["Hello from paymaster"],

const txResponse = await Paymaster.sendPaymasterTransaction(...PaymasterParams);

Populating a Paymaster Transaction

The sendPaymasterTransaction method is a convenient way to send a transaction through the Paymaster, as it handles the entire process for you. It calls populatePaymasterTransaction internally to populate the TransactionRequest object based on the provided parameters. Additionally, it estimates the gas required for the transaction and uses the runner's (signer/wallet) sendTransaction method to send the populated transaction.

However, if you need to inspect or modify the populated transaction before sending it, or if you want to perform additional checks or operations on the transaction data, you can use the populatePaymasterTransaction method directly. This method returns the populated TransactionRequest object, giving you a glimpse into how the transaction will look before it's sent. You can then make any necessary modifications to the transaction object and send it using the sendTransaction method.

const PaymasterParams: types.PaymasterParams = [
  "0x...", // Replace with the actual contract address
  "function setGreeting(string memory _greeting)",
  ["Hello from paymaster"],

const populatedTx = await Paymaster.populatePaymasterTransaction(...PaymasterParams);

Estimating Gas for Paymaster Transactions

The estimateGas method provided by the Paymaster class allows you to estimate the gas required for a transaction that will be sent through the Paymaster. While this method can be used to estimate gas for any transaction, it is specifically tailored to handle the nuances of Paymaster Paymasters.

const gasLimit = await Paymaster.estimateGas(populatedTx);

Sending Transaction

const txResponse = await Paymaster.sendTransaction(populatedTx);

Getting the Minimal Allowance for ERC20 Paymasters

When using an ERC20Paymaster, it's necessary to approve/check if the Paymaster contract has a sufficient allowance of ERC20 token. The getMinimalAllowance method provided by the Paymaster class allows you to calculate the minimal allowance required for a specific transaction, ensuring that the Paymaster has enough token allowance to pay for the transaction fees.

if (Paymaster.paymasterType === types.PaymasterType.ERC20) {
 // Returns ethers.Contract instance of the ERC20 token
 const erc20Contract = typechain.ERC20Token__factory.connect(tokenAddress, signer);

 const allowance = await Paymaster.getMinimalAllowance(...PaymasterParams);

 // Approves needed allowance for paying transaction fees.
 await (await erc20Contract.approve(paymasterAddress, allowance)).wait();

const txResponse = await Paymaster.sendPaymasterTransaction(...PaymasterParams);

Creating a Restriction

The package provides a createRestriction function that allows you to create various types of restrictions for your Paymaster contract. Restrictions are external smart contracts that enforce specific conditions or rules for transactions to be eligible for payment by the Paymaster.

const userRestrictionAddress = await createRestriction(
 "USER_RESTRICTION", // Name of the restriction
 types.RestrictionMethod.USER, // Restriction type
 signer, // Runner used to deploy restriction
 [signer.address], // In this specific case (when user restirction is created), only this address will be available to use Paymaster
 restrictionFactoryAddress, // Optional. This is prefilled based on chain ID (TODO: Ask for Factory Addresses on testnet and mainnet).

Managing Restrictions

After creating a restriction contract, you can add it to your Paymaster using the addRestriction method provided by the Paymaster instance. Additionally, you can retrieve a list of all added restrictions and remove a specific restriction if needed.

await (await Paymaster.addRestriction(userRestrictionAddress)).wait();

console.log(await Paymaster.getRestrictions());

// Remove restriction at index 0
await (await Paymaster.removeRestriction((await Paymaster.getRestrictions())[0])).wait();

Checking Transaction Eligibility

Before sending a transaction through the Paymaster, you can check if the transaction is eligible for payment based on the added restrictions. The checkTransactionEligibility method provided by the Paymaster instance allows you to perform this check.

const isEligible = await Paymaster.checkTransactionEligibility(...PaymasterParams);
console.log(`Transaction is eligible: ${isEligible}`);


To make it easier for users to interact with paymaster, restriction, or other contracts, package exports typechain for the mentioned abstraction as well.

const userRestrictionContract = typechain.UserRestriction__factory.connect(userRestrictionAddress, signer);
console.log(await userRestrictionContract.userWhitelist(await signer.getAddress()));

const erc20TokenContract = typechain.ERC20Token__factory.connect(tokenAddress, signer);
console.log(await erc20TokenContract.balanceOf(await signer.getAddress()));

Last updated